Thursday, 31 December 2015

Happy New Year (Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016)!

I haven't posted much here lately, what with my knee issues and hip pain and because, well, it's Winter and there's not much to share!

Like last year I've learned some important lessons, namely that trying to do 4 big races in 4 months just doesn't work. I've had moderate success this year position wise having come 2nd place in the Ladybower 20. And of course there's the fact that I completed my first Ironman in Bolton, UK with a time of 14:18:45; it might not have been the time I was hoping for, but it was faster than the time I was expecting.

Of course there's been 'issues', the aforementioned knee problems (sprain on Leicester Marathon - again!), and hip issues which may or may not be bursitis (to be continued...); I had bike issues on the 3 Counties 100 on the last stretch, 2 miles from the finish line, and I lost my confidence in the open water. All of these 'issues' have been relatively minor and those which can be learned from, have been.

Like last year I've been recording my training time and distances to see how they tally up with 2014.

So without further ado, the stats for this years training (as this doesn't include my daily commute, travel to the gym or to family/friends).

Swimming: 42.5 miles, 26:59:06 (-75.5 miles)
Cycling: 2509 miles, 155:02:21 (+962 miles)
Running: 506 miles, 70:26:45 (+79 miles)

Strength training: 14:30:00 (-2:20)

Races I've signed up to next year:
Ironman Wales (swim 2.4 miles, cycle 112 miles, run 26.2 miles) - September
Leicester Marathon (run 26.2 miles) - October

Races I'm contemplating next year:
Leeds Sportive (cycle 75 miles) - March
Tour of the Peaks (cycle 116 miles with a crazy amount of climbing) - May
Dambuster Triathlon (swim 1 mile, cycle 26 miles, run 7 miles) - June
Flatout in the Fens (cycle 155 miles) - July

And finally some photos of my races this year!

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